Located in southeastern Hunan Province, Chenzhou is home to two Excellent Tourism Cities of China and known as the "Hometown of Hot Springs" in China. It is the gateway to the world from southern China.

Chenzhou is blessed with abundant natural beauty, including Mang Mountain, China's first mountain with original ecology; Dongjiang Lake, the lake that lets the world breathe; and the nationally protected Suxian Mountain. Visitors can also explore the ancient villages of Yongxing or Guixi.

But Chenzhou's greatest draw is its hot springs. With plentiful geothermal resources, Chenzhou's mineral-rich hot springs are highly beneficial for the body.

Relax in the warm, therapeutic waters of a hot spring spa. Hike through Mang Mountain's primeval forests. Boat across Dongjiang Lake's clear waters. Chenzhou's springs, lakes, and mountains offer the perfect antidote to modern life's stresses. Let this gateway to southern China be your gateway to serenity.

Best Travel Time

Best in Spring and Autumn

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Subtropical monsoon climate

Popular tourist cities in China