Known as the "Great Western Pass of Guangdong", Yunfu connects the Pearl River Delta to the Southwest. This famed historic and cultural destination is China's "Kingdom of Stone" and renowned for sulfur and granite. Yunfu is also hailed as the "Hometown of Tangerines".

"City within a mountain, mountain with water, green trees and fragrant flowers reflect each other" describes Yunfu's essence. Lush nature and rich heritage make tourism flourish.

Top attractions include Panlong Cave, Lingxiao Rock, Xingyan Ancient Cave, Xijiang Golden Sand Beach, Guoen Temple, and Longshan Hot Spring. Guoen Temple in Xinxing County is the 1,300 year old founding and resting place of Huineng, Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism, protected as a provincial heritage site.

From misty peaks to citrus groves, Yunfu's sublime vistas and storied past beckon visitors from near and far.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for all seasons, autumn and winter are the best.

Suggested playing days

1 day

Local climate

Subtropical monsoon climate

Popular tourist cities in China