Shanwei lies on the hilly eastern coast of Guangdong, bordering the Chaoshan Plain. It connects the Pearl River Delta and Chaoshan regions as a strategic hub between Guangdong's two economic zones.

The city administers one county-level city - Lufeng, two counties - Haifeng and Luhua, and one district - the city proper. Shanwei neighbors Jieyang to the east, Huizhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, and Guangzhou to the west, Meizhou and Heyuan to the north, and overlooks the South China Sea to the south - just 50 nautical miles from Hong Kong.

With serene beaches, historic forts, Hakka villages, and seafood markets, Shanwei fuses coastal and cultural charms. Hike Bishan Mountain for panoramic vistas of the city and coastline. Wander centuries-old Hakka communities like Kejiao. In Shanwei, experience a Guangdong seaside city steeped in heritage.

Consumption level

Huizhou has a relatively low cost of living and travel. Budget hotels average around 200RMB per night. Lunch for one normally costs 10-20RMB at local restaurants. Taxi fare starts at 7RMB.

To maximize your budget in Huizhou, opt for affordable hotels conveniently located near top attractions like Mount Xiqiao and West Lake. Use the efficient public bus system and taxis to get around for just a few RMB per ride. Enjoy delicious local cuisine like braised pigeons, curried fish balls, and wonton noodles.

By choosing budget-friendly accommodations, getting around via public transit and taxis, and sampling inexpensive food stalls, travelers can immerse themselves in Huizhou's natural scenery and culture without overspending. Focus your time and money on a couple highlights each day. With good planning, you can experience Huizhou's essence for around 150-200RMB or less per day.

Watching fireworks on the beach and setting off Kongming lanterns

"Everywhere Su Dongpo went, West Lake followed," goes the old saying about Huizhou's scenic West Lake. During the Song dynasty, poet Su Dongpo spent three years in exile here, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. Like its famous counterpart in Hangzhou, Huizhou's West Lake has captivated scholars and poets for centuries. Historically ranked among China's top three West Lakes along with Hangzhou and Yingzhou, its beauty earned acclaim from literary greats like Yang Wanli. Stroll beside willow-lined banks and arched stone bridges to see what inspired this admiration. Watch fishermen ply the waters in cormorant boats designed centuries ago. Wander flower-strewn pathways to secluded pavilions and moon gates that frame picturesque vistas. With Song dynasty relics nestled amid tranquil gardens and lotus ponds, Huizhou's West Lake offers elegance to rival Hangzhou's. Following in the footsteps of Su Dongpo, appreciate the muse that has inspired artistic souls for generations.

Searching for Buddha's Trace in the Deep Mountain Ancient Temple

"Everywhere Su Dongpo went, West Lake followed," goes the old saying about Huizhou's scenic West Lake. During the Song dynasty, poet Su Dongpo spent three years in exile here, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. Like its famous counterpart in Hangzhou, Huizhou's West Lake has captivated scholars and poets for centuries. Historically ranked among China's top three West Lakes along with Hangzhou and Yingzhou, its beauty earned acclaim from literary greats like Yang Wanli. Stroll beside willow-lined banks and arched stone bridges to see what inspired this admiration. Watch fishermen ply the waters in cormorant boats designed centuries ago. Wander flower-strewn pathways to secluded pavilions and moon gates that frame picturesque vistas. With Song dynasty relics nestled amid tranquil gardens and lotus ponds, Huizhou's West Lake offers elegance to rival Hangzhou's. Following in the footsteps of Su Dongpo, appreciate the muse that has inspired artistic souls for generations.

The birthplace of the Red Soviet regime

"Everywhere Su Dongpo went, West Lake followed," goes the old saying about Huizhou's scenic West Lake. During the Song dynasty, poet Su Dongpo spent three years in exile here, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. Like its famous counterpart in Hangzhou, Huizhou's West Lake has captivated scholars and poets for centuries. Historically ranked among China's top three West Lakes along with Hangzhou and Yingzhou, its beauty earned acclaim from literary greats like Yang Wanli. Stroll beside willow-lined banks and arched stone bridges to see what inspired this admiration. Watch fishermen ply the waters in cormorant boats designed centuries ago. Wander flower-strewn pathways to secluded pavilions and moon gates that frame picturesque vistas. With Song dynasty relics nestled amid tranquil gardens and lotus ponds, Huizhou's West Lake offers elegance to rival Hangzhou's. Following in the footsteps of Su Dongpo, appreciate the muse that has inspired artistic souls for generations.

The Romance of White Windmills

"Everywhere Su Dongpo went, West Lake followed," goes the old saying about Huizhou's scenic West Lake. During the Song dynasty, poet Su Dongpo spent three years in exile here, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. Like its famous counterpart in Hangzhou, Huizhou's West Lake has captivated scholars and poets for centuries. Historically ranked among China's top three West Lakes along with Hangzhou and Yingzhou, its beauty earned acclaim from literary greats like Yang Wanli. Stroll beside willow-lined banks and arched stone bridges to see what inspired this admiration. Watch fishermen ply the waters in cormorant boats designed centuries ago. Wander flower-strewn pathways to secluded pavilions and moon gates that frame picturesque vistas. With Song dynasty relics nestled amid tranquil gardens and lotus ponds, Huizhou's West Lake offers elegance to rival Hangzhou's. Following in the footsteps of Su Dongpo, appreciate the muse that has inspired artistic souls for generations.

Night Stargazing Camping

"Everywhere Su Dongpo went, West Lake followed," goes the old saying about Huizhou's scenic West Lake. During the Song dynasty, poet Su Dongpo spent three years in exile here, leaving an indelible mark on the landscape. Like its famous counterpart in Hangzhou, Huizhou's West Lake has captivated scholars and poets for centuries. Historically ranked among China's top three West Lakes along with Hangzhou and Yingzhou, its beauty earned acclaim from literary greats like Yang Wanli. Stroll beside willow-lined banks and arched stone bridges to see what inspired this admiration. Watch fishermen ply the waters in cormorant boats designed centuries ago. Wander flower-strewn pathways to secluded pavilions and moon gates that frame picturesque vistas. With Song dynasty relics nestled amid tranquil gardens and lotus ponds, Huizhou's West Lake offers elegance to rival Hangzhou's. Following in the footsteps of Su Dongpo, appreciate the muse that has inspired artistic souls for generations.

Best Travel Time

The rainfall in Shanwei is mostly concentrated from April to September each year, and the best travel times are from March to April and October to December each year. In addition, every year, Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) or March 23 of the lunar calendar is the birthday of Mazu, and Fengshan Ancestral Temple in Shanwei will have a grand ceremony for Mazu.

Dressing Guidelines

Shawei has a warm and humid climate year-round, with average temperatures around 22°C (72°F). When traveling to Shawei, be sure to pack rain gear and at least one set of long sleeves and pants.

As an editor for an English travel website, I would rewrite the information above into the following paragraph using American English conventions:

The coastal city of Shawei enjoys a warm and humid subtropical climate all year. Average temperatures hover around a mild 22°C (72°F). With the abundant rainfall, be sure to pack rain jackets and umbrellas when visiting Shawei. It is also advisable to bring at least one set of lightweight long sleeves and pants to provide protection from both the rain and sun. Breathable fabrics like cotton are recommended. Dressing in layers allows you to adjust for the fluctuating humidity and temperatures in this seaside destination.


Archaeological evidence confirms human activity in Lianyungang's ancient Mount Qushan and present-day Mount Jinping area as early as 10,000 years ago. In 1959 and 1978, the oldest Paleolithic sites in southeast China were discovered at Erjian and Daxian Village with clear stratigraphic layers. Mount Jinping has 19 Neolithic sites, with Erjian being one of China's earliest farming areas.

The 20-meter long, 10-meter wide "General Cliff Painting" discovered in 1979 was appraised by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as "an extremely important cultural relic and rare major discovery, the earliest 'book' in China."

The Donghan era art treasure "Kongwang Mountain Grottoes Statues" are the earliest Buddhist grotto statues in China, 100-200 years earlier than the Dunhuang Grottoes, and protected at the national level.

The area is also steeped in history, with attractions related to Confucius' sea gazing, Emperor Qin's inspections, and famous poets and officials like Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Shen Kuo, Li Qingzhao, Wu Cheng'en, Li Ruzhen, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu, Zhu Ziqing and more.

Medical treatment

Here is some helpful information about medical care in Shanwei, China for an English travel website:Medical Care in Shanwei Shanwei has several hospitals available for medical care, including Shanwei People's Hospital and the 2nd People's Hospital. In addition, there are many conveniently located pharmacies throughout Shanwei where travelers can easily purchase medications or over-the-counter remedies.Some hospitals in Shanwei include:- Shanwei People's Hospital - Tel: 0660-3203000- Jiazi People's Hospital - Tel: 0660-8563120  - Lufeng People's Hospital - Tel: 0660-8980333Many of the hospitals in Shanwei have English-speaking staff available to assist foreign visitors. Be sure to travel with proper health insurance and documentation to facilitate any necessary treatment.With reliable hospitals and accessible 24-hour pharmacies, travelers can feel at ease obtaining medical care while visiting Shanwei. Just be prepared with the proper paperwork in case you require any treatment for illness or injury during your stay.

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