Wuwei City is located in central Gansu Province. It is a national famous historical and cultural city, as well as an open city. Known as the "City of Tourism Logo of China" and "Hometown of Chinese Wine", Wuwei has a long history and rich culture with numerous cultural relics and historic sites. These include 1 national nature reserve, 2 national 4A-level scenic areas, 3 provincial nature reserves. Major attractions are the Confucian Temple, Baota Temple, Leitai Han Tombs, Kumarajiva Temple, Tianti Mountain Grottoes, Tianzhu Three Gorges National Forest Park and Ferris Wheel Theme Park.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for all seasons, spring and autumn are the best.

Suggested playing days

1 day

Local climate

temperate continental climate

Wuwei Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China