Shizuishan, a prefecture-level city in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China, gained its name from the protruding rocks at the confluence of the Helan Mountain and the Yellow River. It is located in the northern part of the autonomous region. Shizuishan is a newly developed city known as the "coal city in the塞北," renowned for its production of smokeless coal. The city is the only one in Ningxia to receive the title of "National Forest City," boasting a beautiful environment.

With its rich history and cultural heritage, Shizuishan has numerous tourist attractions. Visitors can explore the city's unique culture and landscape, including its coal-mining history and the beautiful forests. The city's rich natural resources and economic potential also make it an attractive destination for investors.

Shizuishan's climate is characterized by a temperate continental climate with four distinct seasons. The summers are warm, with an average temperature of approximately 25 degrees Celsius, while the winters are cool, with an average temperature of approximately 0 degrees Celsius. The city experiences little rainfall during the summer but receives more precipitation during the winter.

The people of Shizuishan are friendly and hardworking, with a rich cultural heritage and customs. The local cuisine is known for its unique taste and is a must-try for visitors to the city. In addition, the city's rich history and culture make it an ideal destination for those interested in learning more about China's diverse heritage.

Overall, Shizuishan is a beautiful and historically rich city with a unique culture and landscape that is well worth exploring. Whether you are interested in history, nature, or simply want to experience a different part of China, Shizuishan is sure to have something to offer you.

Best Travel Time

Best in Spring and Autumn

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Temperate continental monsoon climate

Shizuishan Surrounding Cities

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