Guyuan, located in the southern part of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China, is a historic city with a rich cultural heritage. It was an important town on the ancient Silk Road and a crucial route for the spread of religion from the East. Guyuan is a place of great historical significance, with a long and vibrant history.

Guyuan is also home to a significant ethnic minority population, particularly the Hui族, and is the largest place of定居 for this ethnic group in China. It is at the intersection of Islamic culture and Central Plains culture, and features many exquisitely designed mosques that are well worth visiting.

Furthermore, Guyuan is the center city of the revitalization plan for the Shaan-Gan-Ning革命老区, making it a prominent destination for红色旅游. The city boasts a range of tourist attractions such as the Liupan Mountain Scenic Area, Xumuluo Mountain, Huoshishan, Chanfo Temple Grottoes, Guyuan Museum, Laolongtan Scenic Area, and Zhen Lake, all of which offer a rich experience of both natural beauty and cultural heritage.

With its combination of history, culture, and beautiful landscapes, Guyuan is a city that is increasingly becoming more colorful and charming. It is a place that visitors can explore and experience the rich cultural heritage and history of China.

Best Travel Time

Best in Spring and Autumn

Suggested playing days

1-2 days

Local climate

Temperate continental monsoon climate

Guyuan Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China