Qingyang is located in eastern Gansu at the intersection of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia. Known as the "Granary of East Gansu", Qingyang possesses brilliant ancient treasures. The globally renowned "Microraptor" and "Ancient Elephant" fossils were unearthed in the Malianhe River Basin here. Qingyang is also a famous revolutionary base with many heritage sites.

In addition to top attractions like Zhou Dynasty Mausoleum Forest Park, the First Temple of Huaxia and Liu, Beishan Grottoes, and former site of Southern Liang Revolutionary Government, Qingyang has rich folk customs and traditions deeply rooted in its culture. Its embroidery, paper cutting, shadow puppetry and folk songs are known as the "Four Wonders".

Best Travel Time

Suitable for all seasons, spring and summer are the best.

Suggested playing days

1 day

Local climate

Temperate continental monsoon climate

Qingyang Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China