Baiyin is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Gansu Province, located in central Gansu along the upper-middle reaches of the Yellow River. It borders Lanzhou to the south, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia to the north, Wuwei leading to Xinjiang in the west, and Longdong in the east. Baiyin is rich in mineral resources with a wide variety. In the Hongwu years of Ming Dynasty, the government set up a mining institution called "Baiyin Factory" here, which lent the city its name. Today, Baiyin is the largest non-ferrous metal industrial base in China and an important energy and chemical base in Gansu. 

The city has many historical and cultural sites like the Banpo Cultural Site, Diagou Ancient Han Tombs, Jingtai Turtle City, sections of the Ming Great Wall, bell and drum towers, and Faquan Temple Grottoes. Natural scenery includes the Yellow River Stone Forest and Hasishan Forest Tourism Area. Baiyin also has a glorious revolutionary tradition - in October 1936, the First, Second and Fourth Front Armies of the Red Army met here triumphantly after the Meeting of Ningxian County.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for spring and autumn

Suggested playing days

1 day

Local climate

temperate continental climate

Baiyin Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China