Hsinchu County is located in northwest Taiwan, bordering Taoyuan County to the north and Miaoli County to the south. Facing the Taiwan Strait to the west, the county is characterized by rolling hills, tablelands, and mountains.

Hsinchu City, formerly administered by Hsinchu County, became an independent provincial city in 1982. The county administrative center subsequently moved to Zhubei Township.

Hsinchu County was once home to indigenous Taokas, Saisiyat, and Atayal peoples. Over time, it became a major settlement area for Hakka people. Influenced by neighboring Hsinchu City, the county is now developing into a hub for high-tech industry, attracting many technology universities.

Tourism resources highlight aboriginal culture, quaint old streets, humanities museums, and natural scenery - all evoking a strong nostalgic atmosphere that defines Hsinchu. Visitors can experience indigenous cuisines, temples, historic architecture, hiking trails, hot springs, and pastoral farm stays that transport them to a simpler time. With one foot in the future and one foot in the past, Hsinchu County offers a unique blend of technological progress and cultural traditions.

Best Travel Time

The best time to travel to Hsinchu is in spring and autumn, especially from October to November. At this time, the temperature is around 22 ℃ -24 ℃, and there are relatively few rainy days, making it comfortable and pleasant. From the end of May to September every year, it is summer, hot and humid; December February is winter, and although the temperature may not be too low, it is humid and rainy, giving people a very cold feeling. In addition, June to October is the typhoon season in Taiwan every year, with the most frequent typhoons occurring from July to September. It is recommended to stagger this period when traveling to Taiwan.

Dressing Guidelines

Taichung has mild winters from December to March, averaging around 18°C. Pack pants, long sleeves and a medium-weight jacket. Summers from May to October are hot and humid, with temperatures steady around 27°C. June to August sees highs around 32°C. Light pants or shorts with short sleeve shirts work well. Bring a thin extra layer like a jacket or sweater for cool evenings or windy days.

On hot sunny days, don't forget a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen. Umbrellas help in sudden storms too. Pack clothes that dry quickly if caught in rain. Locals dress casually, so shorts, skirts, t-shirts and sandals are comfortable for exploring Taichung's neighborhoods and markets on foot. Check the forecast to confirm, but packing layers for Taichung's fluctuating conditions ensures you'll stay cool while enjoying all the city has to offer.

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