Situated in northeast Zhejiang, Hangzhou has over 2,200 years of history since becoming a county seat in the Qin Dynasty. The imperial capitals of Wuyue Kingdom during the Five Dynasties and Southern Song Dynasty were located here. Nicknamed "Paradise on Earth", Hangzhou has it all - mountains, springs, lakes, bridges, pagodas, and temples, with scenery turning vibrantly colorful.

Along West Lake, urban areas and parks blend seamlessly. Lush vegetation meshes with shops, encapsulating Hangzhou's charm - surrounded by nature yet never remote. A modern metropolis as well, contrasting vibes from Wulin Square and Qinghefang's ancient ambience depict the authentic Hangzhou worth experiencing. 

Part urban jungle, part garden city, Hangzhou's hills, waters, hustle and calm weave an alluring tapestry. A scenic wonderland nurtured by dynasties past, Hangzhou continues flourishing as a heavenly habitat for inhabitants and visitors today.

West Lake Lotus Festival

Osmanthus Festival at Jiaoshan Park, Zhenjiang

In September and October, Jiaoshan Park bursts into fragrant bloom with over 6,000 osmanthus trees in 15 varieties covering over 12 acres.

Visitors soak up the sweet floral scent and golden autumn hues. Activities include calligraphy exhibits, flower arranging demonstrations, games, and sampling osmanthus-infused treats.

As one of China's four famous osmanthus gardens, Jiaoshan Park is the place to appreciate the flower nicknamed "Sweet Osmanthus" with all five senses. Stroll through the blossoming grove and let the seasonal magic transport you.

West Lake Lotus Festival, Hangzhou

From July to August, West Lake in Hangzhou becomes a sea of pink lotus blossoms. The scenic area of Quyuan Fenghe is the site of the West Lake Lotus Festival. 

Visitors can walk through lush fields of blooms, pick lotus pods, peel seeds, and enjoy lotus-themed cuisine. Folk theater and musical performances entertain crowds. Releasing lotus lanterns on the water brings good fortune. 

The festival also hosts exhibitions and contests celebrating the lotus, including a pageant to select "Miss West Lake Lotus". A floral marketplace offers one-stop shopping for all things lotus.

West Lake Osmanthus Festival

West Lake Osmanthus Festival, Hangzhou

From late September to early October, Hangzhou celebrates the osmanthus bloom with festivities around West Lake.

Admire osmanthus trees laden with fragrant golden blossoms along Manjuelong Rain of Osmanthus and other scenic spots. Enjoy osmanthus-flavored snacks and tea. Appreciate artistic displays and performances with an osmanthus theme.

Major venues include Manjuelong Village, Hangzhou Botanical Garden, and more. As one of China's four famous osmanthus gardens, West Lake boasts numerous flowering varieties to delight the senses each autumn.

Strolling among osmanthus trees along the lakeside, visitors can experience seasonal beauty in the heart of Hangzhou. The West Lake Osmanthus Festival offers views, scents, tastes, and cultural activities to welcome the fall season.

Soaking West Lake in the name of drinking tea

Hangzhou, Longjing tea, and West Lake are fated to be together. Bring a leisurely spirit and find a lakeside teahouse. Take in the scenery, sipping fragrant tea as the breeze caresses your skin. This is bliss. Allow the famous green tea to awaken your senses with its delicate aromas and smooth finish. Let the peaceful views of willows, boats, and ornate bridges flow through you. Feel time slow down, your worries dissolve. Watch daylight dance across the water as you refill your cup again and again. The secret to immersing yourself in West Lake's essence is simply this: tea. The chance to linger over tea's ritual, embraced by some of China's most stunning vistas, is a travel memory made. Next time inspiration eludes you, come here. A cup of Longjing by the lake is all you need to realign body and mind.

Qinghefang Visits Marketplace Hangzhou

Hangzhou, Longjing tea, and West Lake are fated to be together. Bring a leisurely spirit and find a lakeside teahouse. Take in the scenery, sipping fragrant tea as the breeze caresses your skin. This is bliss. Allow the famous green tea to awaken your senses with its delicate aromas and smooth finish. Let the peaceful views of willows, boats, and ornate bridges flow through you. Feel time slow down, your worries dissolve. Watch daylight dance across the water as you refill your cup again and again. The secret to immersing yourself in West Lake's essence is simply this: tea. The chance to linger over tea's ritual, embraced by some of China's most stunning vistas, is a travel memory made. Next time inspiration eludes you, come here. A cup of Longjing by the lake is all you need to realign body and mind.

Hidden Hangzhou's Alternative Experience

Hangzhou, Longjing tea, and West Lake are fated to be together. Bring a leisurely spirit and find a lakeside teahouse. Take in the scenery, sipping fragrant tea as the breeze caresses your skin. This is bliss. Allow the famous green tea to awaken your senses with its delicate aromas and smooth finish. Let the peaceful views of willows, boats, and ornate bridges flow through you. Feel time slow down, your worries dissolve. Watch daylight dance across the water as you refill your cup again and again. The secret to immersing yourself in West Lake's essence is simply this: tea. The chance to linger over tea's ritual, embraced by some of China's most stunning vistas, is a travel memory made. Next time inspiration eludes you, come here. A cup of Longjing by the lake is all you need to realign body and mind.

Best Travel Time

Taste Hangzhou, regardless of season or weather. West Lake is like a magician, capable of transforming into stunning beauty in spring, summer, autumn, winter, cloudy, sunny, rainy, and snowy weather. Spring in Hangzhou (April June), with warm spring breeze and intoxicating spring water. At this time, it is best to take a stroll along the Su embankment, take a green outing, and admire flowers. In the midsummer season (July September), the weather is hot, but the lotus flowers in West Lake are blooming vigorously under the scorching sun. Autumn is clear and refreshing (from October to December), with osmanthus flowers wafting fragrance for ten miles and visitors weaving like a weaver. Around the Mid Autumn Festival, people in Hangzhou are even busier: they are busy watching the Qiantang River tide during the day and visiting the lake and admiring the moon at night.


Archaeological evidence confirms human activity in Lianyungang's ancient Mount Qushan and present-day Mount Jinping area as early as 10,000 years ago. In 1959 and 1978, the oldest Paleolithic sites in southeast China were discovered at Erjian and Daxian Village with clear stratigraphic layers. Mount Jinping has 19 Neolithic sites, with Erjian being one of China's earliest farming areas.

The 20-meter long, 10-meter wide "General Cliff Painting" discovered in 1979 was appraised by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as "an extremely important cultural relic and rare major discovery, the earliest 'book' in China."

The Donghan era art treasure "Kongwang Mountain Grottoes Statues" are the earliest Buddhist grotto statues in China, 100-200 years earlier than the Dunhuang Grottoes, and protected at the national level.

The area is also steeped in history, with attractions related to Confucius' sea gazing, Emperor Qin's inspections, and famous poets and officials like Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Shen Kuo, Li Qingzhao, Wu Cheng'en, Li Ruzhen, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu, Zhu Ziqing and more.

Medical treatment

Here is a suggested paragraph about safety tips in Changhua, Taiwan for an English travel website:Staying Safe in Changhua, TaiwanChanghua is generally very safe, but you should take some basic precautions. Keep valuables secured and be alert in public areas to prevent petty theft. A special note for Southern Taiwan including Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Kenting - avoid discussing politics as tensions can run high in this region. However, southerners are usually still very warm and friendly, even towards mainland Chinese tourists.Use common sense, take care of belongings, and avoid political conversations in the south. Following basic safety measures will allow you to fully enjoy your travels in Changhua and the rest of Taiwan.

Tourism consulting

When at crowded places like train stations, bus terminals, and metro stations, keep a close eye on your belongings to prevent theft. Areas with high tourist traffic like Tiananmen Square also attract scammers, so tourists should be wary of unlicensed guides demanding money upfront. Avoid handing over any cash to solicitations on the street. Use registered taxi companies like the red Beijing taxis whenever possible. Keep valuables secured and hidden, avoid carrying large amounts of cash, and be alert in public transportation hubs and tourist sites. When needing assistance, go to authorized help points like the Beijing Tourist Information booths rather than individuals roaming the streets. Beijing is a generally safe city if simple precautions are taken. Report any incidents or suspicious activities immediately to the nearest police officer. They can also provide directions and other help. Enjoy sightseeing, but remain aware of the surroundings.

Emergency call

Here is a suggested paragraph about safety tips in Changhua, Taiwan for an English travel website:Staying Safe in Changhua, TaiwanChanghua is generally very safe, but you should take some basic precautions. Keep valuables secured and be alert in public areas to prevent petty theft. A special note for Southern Taiwan including Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Kenting - avoid discussing politics as tensions can run high in this region. However, southerners are usually still very warm and friendly, even towards mainland Chinese tourists.Use common sense, take care of belongings, and avoid political conversations in the south. Following basic safety measures will allow you to fully enjoy your travels in Changhua and the rest of Taiwan.

Provincial Ticket Tips

When at crowded places like train stations, bus terminals, and metro stations, keep a close eye on your belongings to prevent theft. Areas with high tourist traffic like Tiananmen Square also attract scammers, so tourists should be wary of unlicensed guides demanding money upfront. Avoid handing over any cash to solicitations on the street. Use registered taxi companies like the red Beijing taxis whenever possible. Keep valuables secured and hidden, avoid carrying large amounts of cash, and be alert in public transportation hubs and tourist sites. When needing assistance, go to authorized help points like the Beijing Tourist Information booths rather than individuals roaming the streets. Beijing is a generally safe city if simple precautions are taken. Report any incidents or suspicious activities immediately to the nearest police officer. They can also provide directions and other help. Enjoy sightseeing, but remain aware of the surroundings.

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