Known as the "Land of Fish and Rice" and "Home of Silk", Jiaxing has long been an economic hub with abundant resources. Quaint Wuzhen and Xitang, lakeside Nanbei Lake, sprawling gardens at Xi Yuan, picturesque Jiulong Mountain, and Rainy Lane in hutong alleys represent just a sampling of captivating scenery.

Step by step, Jiaxing reveals the refined elegance of Jiangnan water towns. From silk museums to tea houses,South Lake's islands to Dragon Mountain's hikes, Jiaxing immerses visitors in the fabrics, flavors, and landscapes central to its heritage. Wandering narrow lanes and cruising the Grand Canal aboard a flat-bottomed boat exemplify savoring the city's enduring traditions and charms at a serene pace.

Best Travel Time

Best in Spring and Autumn

Suggested playing days

2-3 days

Local climate

Subtropical monsoon climate

Jiaxing Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China