Bengbu City is an important industrial city in Anhui Province, located in the northeast of Anhui Province, in the middle reaches of the Huai River, at the intersection of the Beijing Shanghai Huainan Railway. It is the economic center of the northern Anhui region and one of the three major central cities in Anhui Province. Due to the ancient abundance of river clams in the Bengbu region, it was named "Zhucheng". Bengbu City has beautiful scenery and a collection of famous scenic spots. The Longzi Lake Scenic Area in the eastern part of the city boasts a picturesque scenery of lakes and mountains, complementing each other. Nearby are Tanghe Tomb, Water Park, and Huaihe River Style Park. To the east are the Ming Emperor's Mausoleum, Zhongdu City, Longxing Temple, and Baishi Mountain Forest Park.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for all seasons, spring and autumn are the best.

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Subtropical monsoon climate

Popular tourist cities in China