Huainan is located in the central and northern part of Anhui Province, known as the "throat of Zhongzhou and the barrier of Jiangnan". There have been frequent wars in history and many remains. The territory is rich in natural resources and is the energy capital of China. Rich in natural resources, with numerous rivers, lakes, wetlands, and high mountains, the lake and mountain scenery complement each other. It has 4 national 4A level tourist attractions, including the Bagong Mountain Scenic Area, 3 national 3A level tourist attractions, and 3 national 2A level tourist attractions, forming a relatively high-end scenic cluster, known as the "Colorful Huainan".

Best Travel Time

Suitable for all seasons, spring and autumn are the best.

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Warm temperate monsoon climate

Huainan Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China