Baoshan, formerly known as Yongchang, lies in southwestern Yunnan. The Lancang, Nujiang, and Longchuan Rivers flow through it. Baoshan borders Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture and Lincang City to the east, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture to the north, and Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture to the west. It also borders Myanmar to the northwest and directly south.

Baoshan administers Longyang District, Shidian County, Tengchong County, Longling County, and Changning County.

Thanks to its favorable natural environment, orchids thrive in Baoshan. Digging, cultivating, and trading orchids is a widespread custom, earning it the nickname "Orchid City".

Come admire Baoshan's orchids and lush landscapes! Experience its unique border culture blending Dai, Lisu, Bai, Jingpo, and Myanmarese influences.

Duanyang Flower Street

The Duanwu Flower Market Festival is a grand traditional gathering for all ethnic groups in Baoshan. Held on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, millions of potted flowers, particularly orchids, fill the city in a vibrant floral showcase. Today's festival has also evolved into a comprehensive exhibition fair. Amid festive lights and bustling bazaars, visitors can browse and buy flowers, insects, birds, local specialties, and daily goods. People from China and abroad, merchants, and dignitaries flock to the lively streets. With flowers of every variety competing in brilliance and diversity, the Duanwu Market offers a feast for the senses. Wandering the exuberant streets and soaking up the festive atmosphere is an unforgettable Baoshan experience.

Cutter bar joint

As night falls during the Daogan Festival, people light bonfires, sing, and dance. When the fires die down to glowing embers, young men drink strong liquor then bravely walk barefoot over the fiery coals in the spectacle known as "Crossing the Sea of Fire". The next day at noon, villagers erect a tall pole on the meadow, with dozens of long knives tied to it pointing skyward. Five men who crossed the fire climb to the top in a daring event called "Ascending the Mountain of Knives". The Daogan Festival takes place in Lisu ethnic minority villages in Tengchong and Longling Counties, Baoshan, on the 8th day of the 2nd lunar month. Through breathtaking displays of skill and courage, it celebrates the Lisu culture and manhood. Visitors can witness traditional singing, dancing, sports, and admire the strong community bonds. The Daogan Festival offers an insight into the Lisu people's customs and reverence for their ancestral spirits.

Baoshan Temple Fair

Baoshan hosts a diverse array of lively temple fairs throughout the year, but the grandest is the two-day "Joint Fair" held at over 30 temples, shrines, and monasteries on Mount Taibao. The fairs at Yuguang Pavilion, Doumu Pavilion, and Baonen Temple draw huge crowds with overflowing incense and nonstop revelry. Another highlight is the vibrant pilgrimage fair at the Baoding Temple on New Year's Day. During the fairs, throngs of devotees and tourists crowd the festooned temples to pray for blessings, watch cultural performances, sample street food, and browse souvenirs. The atmosphere of devotion, spectacle, and community makes Baoshan's temple fairs an unforgettable experience. Visiting these traditional gatherings offers an intimate look into local beliefs and the city's rich cultural heritage.

The golden streamer hidden in the ancient village

Nestled in Gudong Town, an idyllic village transforms into a magical golden forest when autumn arrives. Towering ancient ginkgo trees blanket the landscape in brilliant yellow hues, casting a warm glow over the weathered stone architecture. Treading the narrow alleys immersed in this sea of gold, witness ginkgo leaves fluttering down to carpet every path and field. Let this enriching vista captivate you—pause to photograph the villagers' homes harmoniously embraced by the vibrant foliage. Feel time slow while exploring the labyrinth of small lanes awash in gilded sunlight. When an occasional ginkgo leaf lands on your shoulder, you're truly immersed in the village's transcendent autumn palette. Wander off the beaten track to uncover this hidden gem, where majestic ginkgo groves recast an old village into a shimmering golden wonderland each fall.


Archaeological evidence confirms human activity in Lianyungang's ancient Mount Qushan and present-day Mount Jinping area as early as 10,000 years ago. In 1959 and 1978, the oldest Paleolithic sites in southeast China were discovered at Erjian and Daxian Village with clear stratigraphic layers. Mount Jinping has 19 Neolithic sites, with Erjian being one of China's earliest farming areas.

The 20-meter long, 10-meter wide "General Cliff Painting" discovered in 1979 was appraised by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as "an extremely important cultural relic and rare major discovery, the earliest 'book' in China."

The Donghan era art treasure "Kongwang Mountain Grottoes Statues" are the earliest Buddhist grotto statues in China, 100-200 years earlier than the Dunhuang Grottoes, and protected at the national level.

The area is also steeped in history, with attractions related to Confucius' sea gazing, Emperor Qin's inspections, and famous poets and officials like Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Shen Kuo, Li Qingzhao, Wu Cheng'en, Li Ruzhen, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu, Zhu Ziqing and more.

Best Travel Time

Baoshan has no severe cold in winter and no scorching heat in summer. It is suitable for tourism all year round. From March to May of each year, Baoshan has warm spring flowers, lush greenery, and beautiful scenery; From August to December, Baoshan begins to enter autumn, with high and cool weather and pleasant climate, making it very suitable for travel. Especially in mid November to early December, visiting Ginkgo Village in Tengchong is the best choice.

Medical treatment

Here is some information on medical care in Baoshan for an English travel website:Medical Care in BaoshanBaoshan has several hospitals, with Baoshan People's Hospital being the largest tier-3 hospital and the best in the area. There are also numerous pharmacies located throughout the city for minor treatments and medication.In remote areas, basic medical clinics are available although conditions may be more rudimentary. They can provide essential medical services.Major Hospitals:Baoshan People's Hospital  Address: Longcheng LuTel: 0875-2121043Baoshan Traditional Chinese Medicine HospitalAddress: Tuanjie Xi Lu   Tel: 0875-2122433Be sure to travel with international medical insurance coverage. Do not hesitate to seek care if you become ill or injured during your stay. Baoshan provides quality medical services in the city, with more basic care outside urban areas. Have a wonderful trip while remaining vigilant about your health and safety!

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