Zhangzhou City is a prefecture level city in the southeast of Fujian Province, and is a historical and cultural city announced by the State Council. It has a history of over 1300 years and a profound cultural heritage. Throughout the ages, there have been many famous figures: Huang Daozhou, the "Minhai Talent" of the early Qing Dynasty, and modern cultural celebrities and masters such as Xu Dishan, Yang Sao, and Lin Yutang. In addition to outstanding people, there are also earthly spirits in this land. The bustling Sanping Temple, the Fengdong Stone, which is known as the world's largest stone, the unique and unique earthen buildings, the first cave in southern Fujian - Yundongyan, and the location of the movie "Yunshui Ballad" - Yunshui Ballad Ancient Town... Each scenic spot is unforgettable.

Best Travel Time

Best in Spring and Autumn

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Subtropical monsoon humid climate

Zhangzhou Surrounding Cities

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