Nanping City is located in the northern part of Fujian Province, accounting for one fifth of Fujian Province. It has the typical characteristics of "eight mountains, one water, and one field" in southern China. Nanping not only has beautiful mountains and rivers, pleasant climate, but also has beautiful natural scenery and many places of interest. In addition to Mount Wuyi National Scenic Spot, there are more than 10 provincial and municipal scenic spots, including the first peak in the southeast known as "the roof of East China", the 2158 meter high Huanggang Mountain, Jiufeng Mountain, Zhanlu Mountain, Mangdang Mountain, Xiyuan Nunnery, Guizongyan, 3800 Kan, Xichun Mountain, Mengbi Mountain, and Heping Ancient Town.

Best Travel Time

June September

Suggested playing days

1-2 days

Local climate

Subtropical humid climate

Nanping Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China