Xiangyang, located in northwestern Hubei Province, has discovered over 200 cultural sites from various periods, some with artifacts and ruins that are world-class wonders.

Today's Xiangyang harmoniously blends profound historical heritage with high-tech industries like auto manufacturing and aerospace equipment. This "coexistence of old and new" has become the city's most prominent feature. 

With over 3,000 years of history, Xiangyang offers glimpses into the past glories of Chu Culture and Three Kingdoms Romance, while also driving development in cutting-edge fields. Visitors can explore ancient battlefields, imperial palaces, towering city walls, as well as experience the pulse of modern life. Xiangyang cherishes its storied past as it marches toward a tech-driven future.

Best Travel Time

Best in Spring and Autumn

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Subtropical monsoon climate

Xiangyang Surrounding Cities

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