Weihai lies on the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula as a beautiful seaside garden city, with flowers lining the streets and trees shading the paths. Its serene, tidy environment makes Weihai one of China’s most livable cities.

The city’s coastal location provides Weihai with a long shoreline, where sea breezes stir the pines. As the site of China’s defeat in the Sino-Japanese War, Weihai is known historically as the “Unsinkable Battleship”. Extensive trade with South Korea imbues Weihai with international flair.

This small city packs big dreams of beachside vacations, seafood delicacies, and Korean pop culture shopping.

Liugong Island – Sino-Japanese War Memorial Museum commemorating history.

Xixiakou Chengshan – The first place in China to see the ocean sunrise.

Rushan Silver Beach – One of northern China’s best beaches for swimming, tides, and crab catching while watching the sunrise.

Integrating into the most livable city

While Weihai offers plenty to do, the best way to soak up this seaside city is to live like a Weihai local. Many cozy family apartments along the eastern coastline beckon visitors to stay a while. Choose one whose decor and vibe speak to you, then embrace the rhythms of coastal life. Rise early to watch the fishing boats head out and sunrise gleam over the sea. Stroll unhurried along the shoreline, breathing in the bracing ocean air. In the evening, admire a blazing sunset then buy fresh seafood to cook up yourself. As waves lull you to sleep, you'll feel far from the world's clamor, left only with the sea's calming shades of blue washing over you. By nestling into Weihai and adopting its pace, you'll discover what makes this city tops for livability and leave infused with its essence.

Riding the Most Beautiful Ring Road

For an intimate look at Weihai's natural splendor, spend an afternoon leisurely cycling or scooting along the panoramic Huanhai Road. The mountains and sea unfold in all their majestic beauty as you ride, stopping as desired to admire the vibrant scenery. With no agenda, you're free to pause and breathe in the captivating coastal vistas. Discover rocky outcrops, curving bays, rolling hills, and more - a palette of textures and colors painted by nature's hand. Along the way, let moments of wonder wash over you, from a perfect peaceful cove to blazing golden sunsets. Cruising slowly, you'll find immense, refreshing beauty around each bend of this unforgettable seaside route.

Watching the earliest sunrise on the sea

Chengshan Cape offers a front-row seat to China's earliest ocean sunrise. Perched on the easternmost tip of the Shandong Peninsula, you'll feel extraordinarily close to the sun as it peeks above the horizon. With the sea stretching around you on three sides, the darkness recedes to reveal a majestic seascape. Lush peaks ripple inland while huge swaths of emerald water extend outward. Rocky outcrops jut like arms reaching for the sea. As the glowing sun breaches the waves, its amber light glints across the rippling surface. Watching daybreak from this scenic lookout, you’ll be enveloped in tranquility and awestruck by nature’s magnificence. Nowhere else lets you witness China’s first sunbeams of the day illuminating land and sea in such splendid fashion.

Come to Weihai in winter and count swans

In winter, Tian'e Lake in Weihai's Chengshan Town transforms into a haven for tens of thousands of migratory birds. Flocks of swans, ducks, and geese make the long trek from Siberia, Inner Mongolia, and beyond to winter in this celestial wetland kingdom. Photographers flock here too, jockeying to capture elegant images of snow-white swans taking flight or preening their feathers. The sheer number of large waterfowl congregating on the lake’s mirror-like surface makes for stunning scenery. Visitors braving the chill are rewarded with a magical avian spectacle. For an unforgettable sight, head to Tian’e Lake from November to March to observe these beautiful migratory birds by the thousands as they feed, nest, and glide gracefully across the water.

Feeling Korean Style Without Going Abroad

Located just a 45-minute flight from South Korea, Weihai offers easy access to a taste of Korean culture without leaving China. Weihai is home to a sizable Korean expatriate community, reflected in the abundance of Korean malls, restaurants, and businesses around town. Strolling the streets, you'll encounter beautiful Korean women and stylish, long-legged oppas (men), creating an unmistakably K-pop vibe. From browsing Korean fashion and cosmetics to sampling authentic bibimbap and bulgogi hot off the grill, opportunities to immerse yourself in Hallyu - the Korean pop culture wave - abound. Shop 'til you drop, eat to your heart's content, and come away feeling like you vacationed in Seoul without the jet lag or passport stamp. Weihai makes an ideal destination for casual Koreanophiles craving a quick, convenient fix.

Best Travel Time

Summer. Weihai City has no scorching heat in summer and no severe cold in winter, making it suitable for tourism throughout the four seasons. But considering the characteristics of the seaside, the best travel time should be summer, where you can swim and play in the seawater; If winter comes, you can see thousands of swans wintering here in Chengshan Town or Yandunjiao.


Archaeological evidence confirms human activity in Lianyungang's ancient Mount Qushan and present-day Mount Jinping area as early as 10,000 years ago. In 1959 and 1978, the oldest Paleolithic sites in southeast China were discovered at Erjian and Daxian Village with clear stratigraphic layers. Mount Jinping has 19 Neolithic sites, with Erjian being one of China's earliest farming areas.

The 20-meter long, 10-meter wide "General Cliff Painting" discovered in 1979 was appraised by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as "an extremely important cultural relic and rare major discovery, the earliest 'book' in China."

The Donghan era art treasure "Kongwang Mountain Grottoes Statues" are the earliest Buddhist grotto statues in China, 100-200 years earlier than the Dunhuang Grottoes, and protected at the national level.

The area is also steeped in history, with attractions related to Confucius' sea gazing, Emperor Qin's inspections, and famous poets and officials like Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Shen Kuo, Li Qingzhao, Wu Cheng'en, Li Ruzhen, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu, Zhu Ziqing and more.


Weihai has well-developed maritime transport with frequent ferry services operating from its main ports - Weihai Port, Longyan Port, and Shidao Port.

Weihai Port is the most important, with domestic ferry routes to destinations across China. Longyan and Shidao ports operate international ferries to South Korea.

At Weihai Port Passenger Terminal, there are two daily ferries to and from Dalian:

- First ferry departs Dalian around 9am, arriving in Weihai around 5pm.

- Second ferry departs Dalian around 9:30pm, arriving in Weihai early next morning around 4am.

Journey takes 7-8 hours. Ticket prices range from 140-180RMB for third class cabins and 90-130RMB for fourth class seats.

Address: Weihai Port New Port Area, Haibu Road 228, Weihai Economic and Technological Development Zone
Contact: +86-631-5233220

Public buses 23, 24, 42 and 54 stop near the passenger terminal.

With frequent domestic and international departures, Weihai's developed ferry transport provides a convenient way to reach destinations around China and also South Korea.

Medical treatment

Here are some key water safety tips for Yantai, China, as well as information on top medical facilities in Weihai, for an English travel website:Water Safety in YantaiWhen taking part in water activities in Yantai, please follow these precautions:- Wear a life jacket when on speedboats, rafts, or other watercraft as instructed. - Don't swim beyond safety buoys at the beach, and don't swim alone if you are not a strong swimmer.- Those with heart disease, lung disease, asthma, high blood pressure should avoid water and aerial activities. - Don't change seats arbitrarily when on transport boats or buses. Keep hands and head inside at all times and watch for oncoming vehicles when boarding.Medical Care in WeihaiWeihai has numerous hospitals and pharmacies in the city center, so minor illnesses or injuries can be treated during your stay. Top facilities include:Weihai Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital - 29 Qingdao North Rd, Huancui District. Tel: 0631-5303112. Take bus 101, 104, 106 and get off at Sea Police Branch.Weihai 2nd Municipal Hospital - 51 Guangming Rd, Weihai. Tel: 0631-5271200 (office), 0631-5271299 (emergency). Take bus 10, 17, 20 and get off at Weihai 2nd Municipal Hospital.The qualified staff at Weihai hospitals can assist foreign travelers. Don't hesitate to seek treatment if needed during your visit.

Emergency call

Here are some key emergency contact numbers for Weihai, China for an English travel website:Emergency Services in Weihai If you require any assistance while traveling in Weihai, keep these important numbers handy:Weihai Municipal Tourism Bureau - 0631-5313343Weihai Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce - 0631-5231616 Weihai Transportation Bureau - 0631-5234111Weihai Food Safety Supervision - 0631-5300034Weihai Public Security Bureau Patrol Detachment 2 - 0631-5276096Weihai Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Division - 0631-5206500Don't hesitate to call the relevant hotline if you need help or need to report any issues during your stay in Weihai. Having these key emergency contact numbers readily available allows you to travel safely and get prompt assistance if problems arise.

Safety considerations

When at crowded places like train stations, bus terminals, and metro stations, keep a close eye on your belongings to prevent theft. Areas with high tourist traffic like Tiananmen Square also attract scammers, so tourists should be wary of unlicensed guides demanding money upfront. Avoid handing over any cash to solicitations on the street. Use registered taxi companies like the red Beijing taxis whenever possible. Keep valuables secured and hidden, avoid carrying large amounts of cash, and be alert in public transportation hubs and tourist sites. When needing assistance, go to authorized help points like the Beijing Tourist Information booths rather than individuals roaming the streets. Beijing is a generally safe city if simple precautions are taken. Report any incidents or suspicious activities immediately to the nearest police officer. They can also provide directions and other help. Enjoy sightseeing, but remain aware of the surroundings.

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