Nestled at 18° north latitude along China's southernmost tip on Hainan Island, Sanya basks in some of the world's most alluring scenery. With year-round summer warmth, flowers in perpetual bloom, and renowned as the "Oriental Hawaii," Sanya exports sunshine and fresh air. 

Strolling barefoot on the soft white sands of Yalong Bay as sea breezes intoxicate, Sanya melts hearts with azure seas and skies. Tide pools left by the ebbing waves invite playful wading while surf foams around your feet, the sea's liquid gift. Don a wetsuit and scuba gear to plunge into hidden worlds of dazzling tropical fish and flamboyant corals, only your breath and the water's soothing rush breaking the silence.

Wander verdant jungles oxygenated with pure air to rejuvenate lungs and spirit. Marvel at Guan Yin, a colossal sea-gazing Buddha statue humbling the soul. Legendary tales from the ends of the earth and poignant star-crossed love stories kindle the imagination. Succulent lobster and sweet ripe mangoes fuel a passion for culinary pleasures. 

Like heaven itself, Sanya embraces all you love and dream of in one paradisal city.

Consumption level

In Sanya, costs primarily come from accommodations and attraction tickets. For two people visiting one or two sights daily and staying in mid-range hotels and restaurants, expect around 400-500RMB per person daily. Luxury hotels in Dadonghai and upscale dining may run 700-1000RMB per day. High-end beachfront resorts in Yalong Bay start around 1500RMB daily per person including meals.

Yalong Bay is Sanya's most expensive area. Dadonghai is more affordable, with mid-range hotels and local restaurants costing around 500RMB daily per person. Budget homestays in Sanya Bay run 300-400RMB daily including dining and transportation. At Wuzhizhou Island, plan on 600-800RMB per day, excluding water sports like diving.

Careful hotel and restaurant choices provide the best Sanya value. Focus your time on free beaches and affordable local eateries to experience Sanya's tropical appeal while keeping costs reasonable.

Self driving

Sanya is one of China's best cities for driving yourself. Rent a car and cruise Sanya's famous Binhai Avenue coconut palm coastline for pure vacation bliss.

Rental locations: Abundant agencies like Shenzhou and Yihi operate right at Sanya Phoenix Airport, making pickup and dropoff effortless. Hotels also offer car rentals, though usually at higher prices than independent companies.

Coast down Binhai Avenue with the warm tropical breeze in your hair. Discover secluded beach coves and scenic overlooks. Stop spontaneously whenever and wherever you please. With convenient airport access and competitive rates, self-driving in Sanya grants total freedom to follow your whims across Hainan Island's lush tropical paradise.

Best Travel Time

Sanya has little change in heat and cold, and is suitable for tourism throughout the year. The best travel time is from October to March of the following year. Because the north has started to cool this season, while Sanya is still warm and pleasant, you can still leisurely stroll on the sunny beach in summer clothes and beach shoes, soak in the warm seawater, eat tropical fruits, and enjoy the romance of the ends of the earth. Every December, the "International Wedding Festival" is also held at the ends of the earth in Sanya. When you come to Sanya, you may experience a lifetime unforgettable journey.

Dressing Guidelines


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Archaeological evidence confirms human activity in Lianyungang's ancient Mount Qushan and present-day Mount Jinping area as early as 10,000 years ago. In 1959 and 1978, the oldest Paleolithic sites in southeast China were discovered at Erjian and Daxian Village with clear stratigraphic layers. Mount Jinping has 19 Neolithic sites, with Erjian being one of China's earliest farming areas.

The 20-meter long, 10-meter wide "General Cliff Painting" discovered in 1979 was appraised by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage as "an extremely important cultural relic and rare major discovery, the earliest 'book' in China."

The Donghan era art treasure "Kongwang Mountain Grottoes Statues" are the earliest Buddhist grotto statues in China, 100-200 years earlier than the Dunhuang Grottoes, and protected at the national level.

The area is also steeped in history, with attractions related to Confucius' sea gazing, Emperor Qin's inspections, and famous poets and officials like Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Dongpo, Shen Kuo, Li Qingzhao, Wu Cheng'en, Li Ruzhen, Wu Jingzi, Lin Zexu, Zhu Ziqing and more.

Self driving

Beihai has a well-developed highway network with convenient road connections. Some major highways intersecting Beihai include:

- G209 (Hubei Line)
- G325 (Guangnan Line)
- Beihai to Tieshan Port
- Nanning to Beihai
- Guilin to Beihai via Nanning
- Beihai to Chongqing 
- Beihai to Zhanjiang

The driving time from Beihai to Nanning is around 2-3 hours for 206km. Beihai to Guilin is around 7 hours for 630km.

The Beihai-Zhanjiang Expressway connects to eastern China's expressway network. It's just over 1.5 hours or 160km from Beihai to Zhanjiang. From there, Zhanjiang to Haikou is 160km, to Guangzhou is 459km, and to Shenzhen/Hong Kong is about 500km or a 5 hour drive.

The extensive highways make self-driving in Beihai a great option. You can easily rent a car and head out to surrounding attractions and cities. Just be sure to plan your route ahead of time and account for rest stops. With the freedom of a rental car, you can discover Beihai's beautiful coastal scenery at your own pace.

Emergency call

Here are some important safety tips for travelers visiting Hezhou, China to include on an English website:Staying Safe in HezhouHezhou has average public security. Tourists should take precautions to protect themselves and their belongings. Be extra vigilant in crowded areas to guard against theft. Avoid going alone to isolated areas. Use ATMs cautiously - check for people tailing or watching you.Keep valuables secured and out of sight. Be wary of pickpockets, bag slashers and scams. Only take registered taxis from official stands. Stick to well-lit major streets at night. Travel in groups when possible for added safety. Ask your hotel for safe neighborhoods and areas to avoid.  Secure passports, cash and electronics in hotel safes. Make photocopies of important documents. Carry emergency contacts and cash in case items are lost or stolen.Use common sense and stay alert in Hezhou. Taking basic safety measures will help ensure you have an enjoyable trip.

Photography Tips

Here are some tips for beach photography in Sanya, China:

Avoid overexposure - Bright sun, sky and water often overexpose people on the beach. With automatic cameras, avoid scenes with very bright and dark areas, as metering averages exposure. Use manual mode and meter off subjects to avoid environmental light interference.

Use fill flash - Beachgoers often have shadows on their faces from the bright sunlight. Using flash will eliminate the shadows and properly expose your subjects.

Shoot during golden hours - Early morning and late afternoon provide the best light. Mornings have fewer people and special coloring. Sunsets create golden hues for dramatic shots.

Use a UV filter - UV filters protect your lens and filter out haze for clearer shots. They are essential for beach photography.

Protect your gear - Saltwater and winds can damage equipment. Avoid setting cameras in sand, especially when changing lenses, to prevent sand infiltration. Wear a hat to shield gear from sea spray. Rinse any splashes immediately. Sand can also compromise tripod stability, so check footing and cover legs to prevent sinking.

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