Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, commonly known as Linxia Prefecture, is a prefecture-level region under the jurisdiction of Gansu Province in China. Located in the central part of Gansu Province and on the upper reaches of the Yellow River, Linxia Prefecture is situated at the junction of the Loess Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It borders the province's capital city, Lanzhou, to the north, and the prefecture-level city of Dingxi to the east. The capital city, Linxia City, has a rich history as a crucial trading post on the ancient Silk Road and the Tang-Tibet Road, as well as being one of the four major tea-horse stations in the Ming Dynasty. This city is also known as the "Hohai Hero City".

Linxia Prefecture is home to a unique blend of ethnic cultures and folk customs, making it an alluring destination for travelers. The prefecture boasts a wealth of tourism resources, including the world's non-material cultural heritage "Huaer" and China's national-level non-material cultural heritage brick carving, as well as religious historical culture represented by China's "Wheat Church" - Islamic classics. Other must-visit tourist attractions include the炳灵寺石窟, 莲花山, 松鸣岩, and 刘家峡水库.

From its ancient history to its vibrant present, Linxia Prefecture's rich cultural heritage and natural landscapes offer a captivating experience for travelers. Come explore this land of diverse cultures and beautiful scenery for yourself and experience the allure of Linxia.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for spring and autumn

Suggested playing days

1 day

Local climate

temperate continental climate

Linxia Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China