Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture lies in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region with the Kizilsu River running through it. The "Father of Glaciers" Mount Mustagh Ata at 7,546 meters has snow-capped peaks and extensive glaciers year-round.

Uqturpan County is known as the "Garden of Ten Thousand Mountains", featuring magnificently-colored Rocky Mountains, 3,000-year-old poplar forests, idyllic grasslands of Yueqi Taxash, ancient living fossil plants like cushion sandwort, and unique marine sedimentary landforms. Visitors can hike among snow-laden conifers, ride horses across flower-dotted meadows, camp under clear starry skies, and experience the diverse natural scenery and Kyrgyz cultural heritage of this alpine border prefecture.

Best Travel Time

Summer and autumn seasons

Suggested playing days

1-2 days

Local climate

Warm temperate continental arid climate

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