Chaoyang, known as the "Dragon City", is a prefecture-level city in western Liaoning Province. Bordering Hebei Province to the south and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to the north, Chaoyang is a strategic gateway from northeast China to inland areas.

With over 1,700 years of history, Chaoyang is a historical and cultural city that was once the ancient capital of Yan. Key attractions include Mount Fenghuang, hailed as the "Number One Buddhist Holy Mountain in the World" and one of the most famous mountains in western Liaoning.

Other sites include Gezigou Paleolithic Site, Niuheliang Red Mountain Cultural Site, and Chaoyang Bird Fossil National Geopark. Chaoyang is considered the birthplace of ancient Red Mountain Culture and praised as "the first place where flowers blossomed and birds took flight in the world."

With splendid natural scenery, ancient ruins, and profound cultural heritage, Chaoyang promises an unforgettable travel experience.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for spring and autumn

Suggested playing days

1 day

Local climate

Northern temperate continental monsoon climate

Chaoyang Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China