Aksu City is located at the northwest edge of the Tarim Basin, nestled under the Tianshan Mountains in western Xinjiang. "Aksu" means white water in Uyghur, named after the Aksu River. Aksu boasts a long history - ancient kingdoms like Gaochang, Kumul, and Wenshu were situated here in the Qin and Han dynasties. As an important post along the Silk Road, Aksu was the birthplace of Kucha and Duolang cultures and earned the poetic epithet "Shangri-La beyond the Great Wall." With ample sunshine year-round, Aksu thrives in fruit production and is renowned as the "Hometown of Melons and Fruits."

Tourism resources abound in Aksu like the Taklimakan Desert - the world's second largest desert, China's longest inland river - Tarim River, the highest peak of Tianshan Mountains - Tomur Peak, the stunning Tianshan Grand Canyon, diverse Danxia landforms, the holy Sachun Forest with its wondrous trees and springs, plus rich ethnic customs of South Xinjiang. Aksu is truly an oasis of natural marvels, historic treasures, and vibrant Uyghur culture along the Southern Silk Road.

Best Travel Time

Suitable for spring and autumn

Suggested playing days

1 day

Local climate

Warm temperate arid climate

Aksu Surrounding Cities

Popular tourist cities in China