Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, commonly known as Yanbian, is an autonomous prefecture under Jilin Province located along the China-North Korea border. With Yanji as its capital city, Yanbian is home to the largest ethnic Korean population in China.

Renowned as the "Three Treasures of Northeast China", ginseng, deer antlers and mink from Yanbian are highly prized. Yanbian is also famous for rice, tobacco, apples, pears, and yellow cattle. Iconic tourism products include juniper writing brushes and carved tree roots.

Abundant in tourism resources, key attractions include Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve, the stunning landscapes along the Tumen River, the “Three Countries in One View” border scenery at Fengchuan, Xianjingtai Scenic Area, and the ancient ruins of Bohai Kingdom. With beautiful natural scenery steeped in fascinating multi-cultural history, Yanbian offers an unforgettable travel experience.

Best Travel Time

Summer and Autumn

Suggested playing days

2 days

Local climate

Temperate monsoon climate

Popular tourist cities in China