If China is a mighty tree, Beijing would be its crown, while Xi'an is the root system that holds the tree firmly in the ground. Xi'an, anciently known as Chang'an, has been the capital for emperors since ancient times. In this city, the essence of Chinese civilization accumulated over thousands of years continues quietly. Some say in Xi'an, you can dig anywhere and uncover a pile of Qin and Han dynasty bricks and tiles, even national treasures. Although a bit exaggerated, as an ancient capital, Xi'an does have abundant historical sites and cultural relics. Today, rows of buildings and tombs cannot fully represent this city. The city walls still stand tall in Xi'an, the Wild Goose Pagoda towers high, and one glance up reveals high-rises all around. Restaurants fill the streets and alleys, the smell of ancient books and scrolls permeates the academies, while modern bars and cafes line the bustling Defu Alley - a night heaven for young people. The old and the new collide in Xi'an to form its new look.

Searching for delicious food on the tip of the tongue

Xi'an's culinary culture brims with bold Northwestern Chinese flavors, making sampling the city's street food a highlight for visitors. Signature snacks like roujiamo meat sandwiches, yangrou paomo lamb broth bubbles, liangpi cold noodles, and guokui pot stickers tempt travelers at every turn. Venture to Muslim Quarter to slurp mouthwatering lamb paomo, devour a bowl of hand-pulled biang biang noodles, or bite into a juicy roujiamo, stuffed with braised pork or beef. Let the complex seasonings of cumin, chili oil, and Sichuan peppercorns dance across your tastebuds. Fill up on these irresistible Xi'an specialties - from crispy crackling pancakes to warming mutton soup. As you explore this foodie paradise, keep your palate primed for new discoveries. Open your senses to Xi'an's rich culinary traditions, and find unforgettable local flavor on every street.


Xi'an, anciently known as Chang'an and Jingzhao, boasts over 6,000 years of settlement history and more than 1,200 years as a capital city. Throughout history, Xi'an served as the capital for 13 different dynasties including the Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, and Tang, the most of any city in China. As such, Xi'an exerted immense influence as the most important capital city in Chinese history. The ancient historian Sima Qian praised Xi'an as “a capital of a thousand li, the heavenly land below.” With its long and illustrious history, Xi'an stands as one of China's most prominent ancient capitals. The city preserves many cultural relics and historical sites that provide a window into imperial China's rich past.

Best Travel Time

The main tourist destination in Xi'an is historical sites, with suitable temperatures in spring and autumn. There is no winter cold, and the sunlight is not as strong as in summer. It is very comfortable to walk around the city. If you go to scenic spots such as Lishan and Cuihua Mountain, it is also a season of flowers or forests, with beautiful scenery. However, there are occasional sandstorm weather in spring, and outdoor activities are not suitable when encountering sandstorm weather. Spring (March May): Suitable for visiting historical sites, natural scenic areas, and wearing thin shirts. Autumn (September November): It is suitable for visiting historical sites and natural scenic spots, but the climate is sometimes variable, so it is important to prevent colds. The least suitable season for tourism is winter, followed by summer: winter is cold and dry, with lower temperatures and biting cold when windy. At this time, it is more suitable to visit indoor attractions. In summer, it is very hot, especially in midsummer, with strong sunlight and even more scorching around noon; Occasionally, there is rainstorm, but rainstorm comes and goes quickly. Try to avoid playing in areas without shade during the day, such as the ancient city walls of Xi'an; However, there are no restrictions on visiting indoor attractions, such as the Shaanxi History Museum. However, it is more suitable to visit the scenic spots around Xi'an in summer, when the trees cover the sun with thick shade and the temperature is cooler than in the city. Overall, in summer, all you need to do is to do a good job of sun protection and avoid going outdoors during the hottest hours of the day.

Medical treatment

Here is some information on medical care in Xi'an for an English travel website:Medical Care in Xi'anXi'an has many hospitals, with some of the most renowned being:- Xi'an Jiaotong University First Affiliated Hospital (Comprehensive) - Tangdu Hospital (Comprehensive)- Stomatological Hospital (Dentistry) - Xi'an Jiaotong University Second Affiliated Hospital (Dermatology)- Xi'an First People's Hospital (Ophthalmology)- Red Cross Hospital of Xi'an (Orthopedics) - Xi'an Jiaotong University First Affiliated Hospital (Internal Medicine)Most hospitals have emergency departments and English-speaking staff. Other medical facilities in Xi'an include clinics and pharmacies. It's advisable to travel with international medical insurance coverage. Hotels and tour guides can assist with minor health issues or help arrange medical transportation. Let us know if you need any other recommendations for medical care while visiting Xi'an!

Emergency call

Here are some key emergency numbers and services for travelers in Xi'an from an English website:Emergency Services in Xi'anIf you need urgent help while visiting Xi'an, here are important numbers to call:Xi'an Tourist Bureau Complaint & Assistance Hotline: +86 29 87630166 Shaanxi Tourist Quality Supervision: +86 29 85261437 Public Security Bureau Emergency: 110Weather Forecast: +86 29 12121Fire Department: 119 Medical Emergency: 120The police emergency number 110 can dispatch first responders for crimes, fires, medical emergencies, and other crises. Dial 120 for an ambulance. Keep emergency numbers handy when exploring Xi'an. Notify your hotel staff or tour guide immediately if you require any emergency assistance during your stay. Let us know if you need any other Xi'an travel safety tips!

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