Located in Tianjin's Nankai District, Ancient Culture Street centers around the Tianhou Palace, and is home to many time-honored shops and craft stores, making it a must-visit spot.

The street features numerous century-old Tianjin businesses with strong local flavor, like Qiaoxiang Pavilion for cloisonné, Suzhou embroidery, and lacquerware.

Enjoy Tianjin snacks while browsing, like Goubuli baozi, jianbing guozi pancakes, and Tianjin damahua sesame cakes to satisfy foodies.

The liveliest time is from before Chinese New Year to Lantern Festival, with various events and temple fairs.

Allow 1-3 hours to stroll and shop. Take buses 632, 633, 641, 671, 804 etc. and get off at Dongbeijiao Stop, about a 200 meter walk away.

Admission is free, but check with site for details. Immerse yourself in old Tianjin culture, crafts and flavors along Ancient Culture Street.