The Forbidden City, also known as the Purple Forbidden City, is the best-preserved and largest ancient wooden structure complex in China and even in the world. It is known as the "top of the five palaces in the world".

The inner palace is centered on the three main palaces of Qianqing Palace, Jiaotai Palace, and Kunning Palace, with the six eastern and western palaces on the east and west sides. These are the living places of imperial officials and concubines, also known as the "six palaces in three compounds".

The Forbidden City contains a large number of precious cultural relics, with a statistics of over one million pieces, accounting for one sixth of the total number of national cultural relics.

To visit the Forbidden City, you need to start from the south to the north, with the only entrance at the Meridian Gate. The exit is at Donghua Gate and Shenwumen.

During the late spring and early summer, clusters of pure white pear blossoms, like clouds and snowflakes, are in harmony with the red brick and green tiles of the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City was built in 1406 during the Ming Dynasty and completed in 1420. It is a complex of 980 buildings, with an area of 720,000 square meters. It was listed as a World Heritage site in 1987.

The Forbidden City has strict architectural layout, with a clear division of functions. The outer court is mainly for ceremonial activities, and the inner court is mainly for the imperial family's residence. In between, there are many beautiful buildings and exquisite decorations, which fully reflect the wisdom and craftsmanship of ancient Chinese architects.

The Forbidden City has a rich collection of cultural relics, including calligraphy, painting, bronze vessels, ceramics, jade carvings, clocks, and more. These priceless treasures not only show the great achievements of Chinese culture and art but also provide important clues to understand the history and culture of China.

In addition to its cultural value, the Forbidden City also has high artistic value. The beautiful buildings and exquisite decorations are full of profound meaning. The exquisite bricks and tiles are also works of art. Each brick and tile has its own unique pattern and color.

Visiting the Forbidden City is like walking through a history book. It allows you to feel the magnificent past of China and understand its long-lasting civilization. If you have a chance to visit China, you should not miss this place!