The Badaling Great Wall, also known as the Badaling section of the Great Wall, is a section of the Great Wall of China in Beijing. It is one of the best preserved sections of the Great Wall, with a length of more than 3,000 kilometers. The Badaling Great Wall was built during the Ming Dynasty and is one of the important sections of the Great Wall in China. It has a high historical value and is also a famous tourist attraction in China.

The Badaling Great Wall is divided into the southern section and northern section. The southern section has 7 enemy towers and the northern section has 12 enemy towers. The southern section is less touristy and more relaxed, while the northern section is more challenging and requires more effort to climb. The Badaling Great Wall is also famous for its beautiful scenery, with an average height of more than 1,000 meters above sea level.

The Badaling Great Wall has become an essential destination for tourists in Beijing. Many world-renowned figures, such as Richard Nixon, Margaret Thatcher, and more than 300 other foreign leaders, have visited the Badaling Great Wall. In 2007, the Badaling Great Wall was listed as one of the first batch of 5A-level tourist attractions in China. In 2009, it was listed as a world cultural heritage site by UNESCO.

Visiting the Badaling Great Wall takes more than 3 hours. If you want to climb to the top of the Badaling Great Wall, it is recommended that you prepare enough time and physical strength. In addition, it is recommended to wear appropriate shoes and clothing to protect yourself from the cold and windy weather on the Great Wall.

If you want to visit the Badaling Great Wall, you can take bus route 877 or 879 or the special tourist bus from Beijing to Badaling. You can also take the intercity train to Badaling Station. After getting off the bus or train, you can walk for about 400 meters to reach the Badaling Great Wall entrance.

Tickets to visit the Badaling Great Wall are divided into high and low seasons, with different ticket prices. In high season (April 1 to October 31), adult tickets are 40 yuan (about 3) for students and children. In low season (November 1 to March 31), adult tickets are 35 yuan (about 2.5) for students and children. Visitors under 18 years old,残疾人(with certificates),消防救援人员, and those with full-time education qualifications are free or receive discounts. Please note that these ticket prices do not include transportation costs such as cable cars or slides, nor do they include fees for entering other areas within the scenic area. Please refer to the latest information on the official website before purchasing tickets to ensure that you have a smooth visit.

The Badaling Great Wall opens from 06:30 to 16:30 every day of the week from April to October, and from 06:30 to 16:30 every day of the week from November to March.